Security Guard Services Texas in Austin • Houston • San Antonio
Special Response Security, your best choice for professional and reliable Security Guard Services!
Armed and Unarmed Security Officers, Bodyguard Services, Special Event Security, Construction Site Security, Church Security, High-Risk Security.
1 (866) • 288 • 5400 – Toll Free!
Special Response Security is a private security company, licensed by the state of Texas and regulated by The Department of Public Safety. Special Response Security provides private security guard services in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and surrounding cities, to a wide array of clients for all circumstances and occasions.
SRS provides uniform security officers, armed and unarmed guards, bodyguards, executive protection agents, and a security vehicle patrol service for any residential or business needs; to include, experienced consulting representatives for whatever security-related issue or project you may have.
Our focus is to ensure each client’s needs are met and to establish a great working relationship built on excellent customer service and trust.
Our services
Security Consulting
Consulting is more than just a security provider telling you that you need guards, lights, or alarms, etc…
It is looking at your site through our experienced and trained eyes (with your objectives in mind), then providing you with a tailor-made plan and recommendations to maximize protection, safety, and deterrence to criminal activity.
Our goal is to protect your exposure and liability while also recommending and applying the right tools for the right conditions.
We provide bodyguard services to clients who seek special security measures or precautions.
Our services are aimed at protecting political figures, athletes, celebrities, business leaders, senior management or anyone who requires personal protection, family protection, and workplace violence protection.
Allow your residents to rest peacefully knowing your property is patrolled and checked. Our unarmed and armed officers are available for your protection 24/7.
We have both vehicle patrol services and posted guard services to accommodate your needs.
Shopping Malls
Parking lot theft is a common issue with malls and shopping centers. Our shopping mall security guards allow your guests to shop with ease.
Prevent theft at your shopping center with Special Response Security.
Residential & HOA
We provide that extra layer of protection for your residents, allowing them to feel safe and comfortable while at home.
We offer both vehicle patrol and posted security guards (armed/unarmed) to Homeowners Associations and Residential properties.
We have construction site security guards armed and unarmed ready to protect your assets. Avoid theft on your property that can cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars in losses.
We are available anytime, day or night.
Hospitals & more...
The last thing a hospital should be focusing on is safety; let Special Response Security take over that concern.
We have hospital security officers both armed and unarmed to protect your patients, facility, and guests.
Are You Looking For Security Guard Services in Austin, San Antonio, or Houston, Texas?
A security vehicle patrol service provides a strong security presence on your property while conducting mobile inspections at random intervals; its mere presence deters criminal activity while providing your property, community, and customers with great peace of mind and a system of double checks.
Some locations may require more than a random drive through check, and we are more than happy to consult with you to resolve your current issue(s). We use professional, law enforcement-style patrol vehicles that are fully equipped with the latest technology available.
Special Response Security provides professional Bodyguards and Executive Protection Services
Special Response Security offers bodyguard and executive protection services to clients who seek special security measures (or precautions). Our discreet bodyguard services are geared toward protecting political figures, athletes, celebrities, business leaders, senior management or anyone who requires personal or family protection.
Whether at home, your office, traveling to a certain location, or during an event, we can provide the service wherever it is needed. This service also specializes in workplace violence protection, stalker protection, and safeguarding your valuables. As each assignment is different and special in its own way, allow our experts to consult with you and tailor a custom service to your needs.
We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to you at all times.
24/7 Availability
No matter the occasion, Special Response Security can supply you with a dependable security service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Customer Service
Our supervision and management staff is available to handle issues or concerns in a prompt and professional manner.
Tailored Protection Plan
Our services can be tailored to fit any need you may have. We offer both armed and unarmed security guards that can be either uniformed or plain-clothed.
Efficient & Cost-effective
We have cost-effective services to accommodate each client’s specific needs and budget.
In need of Unarmed Security Guards?
We seek out and employ the above-average security professional who has what our clients want – skill, professionalism, dependability, knowledge, training, and that great command presence that represents not only our business, but represents our clients’ business well.
We believe in providing an asset and not a liability to our clients and thus we take our screening, training, and process very seriously. While some companies provide you with a “warm body in a uniform,” Special Response Security provides you with a well-trained professional to secure and care for you and/or your property.
Unarmed Security Guards for a Special Event
Special Response Security specializes in providing a professional security presence to a variety of special events. Our event security duties include crowd control, door monitoring, ushering, screening attendees, working in barricaded areas, VIP protection, and parking lot/traffic control. From large concerts to small weddings or parties, we have security programs and staff to fit your needs.
Special Response Security Services has security officers for all Occasions – available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week in Austin, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas.
Give us a call now!
1 (866) • 288 • 5400