Bodyguard Services

Workplace bodyguards AustinSpecial Response Security provides bodyguard services to clients who seek special security measures or precautions. Our services are aimed at protecting political figures, athletes, celebrities, business leaders, senior management or anyone who requires personal or family protection. Whether at home, your office, traveling to a certain location, or during an event, we can provide a bodyguard service wherever it is needed.

We offer executive protection and personal protection services

Covert Protection

We offer insured overt or covert protection, point-to-point protection, or posted bodyguards at set locations. We can have an agent ride with you or provide a full team “shadowing” your movement in vehicles along with route pre-planning and threat assessments.

Professional Protection

Our bodyguards are selected based on their professional experience and exemplary skills, along with their training and ability to adapt to changing environments and the client’s needs.

Corporations and individuals are sometimes faced with unexpected threats from terrorists, ex-employees, criminals, racists, stalkers and the mentally unstable. With situations such as: sabotage, kidnapping, hijacking, assassination, espionage, harassment and domestic issues, the need for close protection or a bodyguard service is growing.

Sadly, an issue such as terminating an employee or someone’s investment went bad, results in a violent incident with an employer or corporation; even political figures and other officials are no longer safe for a brief meeting with their public.

Asset Transportation Protection 

Austin Texas Bodyguard and Personal Protection ServicesSpecial Response Security provides a discreet, professional asset transportation protection service for all occasions and all types of assignments.

Whether you are transporting jewelry, antiques, computer chips, or sensitive documents, they can all be targeted by a sophisticated criminal element.

If you’re carrying anything worth value, you are at risk; criminals usually will be armed and not alone. They know when and where you make your bank drops, pickups and deliveries, to include your general schedule.

Current and ex-employees know how much you bring in, and your routine. If you’re transporting high-dollar and sensitive items, you probably have already been watched.

We provide bodyguards in Austin and surrounding areas


Bodyguard ServicesSpecial Response Security has several options and programs available for you to minimize the threat and dangers associated with workplace violence and disgruntle workers which can be done on a short-term and short-notice basis.

As businesses go through changes and restructure, often times termination of employees or layoffs occur, it is during these times that even the most loyal employees, supervisors, or ex-management become disgruntle, desperate and even violent. Some may only issue threatening statements while others, as seen on the news, resort to drastic measures ending in shootouts, hostage situations, etc.

It is highly recommended to upgrade security at your facility each time layoffs occur or termination of an employee that has made any type of retaliation statement, strange comment, displayed suspicious behavior, or has shown signs of unusual behavior.

Not only is an employer responsible for the safety of his employees, he has a duty to act under these circumstances. Don’t be dismissive and brush off yesterday’s threat; listen to your gut-feeling which is saying “Warning!” Our bodyguard services will allow you, your staff and customers the sense of security you rightfully deserve.

Special Response Security Services has security officers for all Occasions – available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week in Austin, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas.

Give us a call now!

1 (866) 288-5400 Toll-Free